In case you wanted to know what you’re missing out here: here’s some powder off the T-Bar at Breckenridge

In case you wanted to know what you’re missing out here: here’s some powder off the T-Bar at Breckenridge
Looking good, Breck.
Green beer, Breckenridge anniversary glass, and the game. Not a bad St. Paddy’s… [geolocation]
Whoa, Freshy Map, where have you been all this time? Here’s a straight-forward concept: show a full-screen map with the weather overlaid. Then add simple metrics for each resort, add some prediction logic, graphs, and boom, you’ve got the ability to figure out where the snow is (and will be). I’ll keep playing with this […]
I had the chance to try out the Bacon Mac & Cheese at Noodles & Co. for free the other day. I’ll be honest, I’ve always been a big fan of every plate at Noodles but this is no ordinary mac: it’s essentially a bacon cheeseburger in pasta form and, well, what’s not to like […]
Found on Vail Mountain’s Facebook Wall.
Here’s a little detour from our regularly scheduled programming: although we think the best skiing may be here in Colorado, it seems there is a bunch of potential on Saturn’s moon, Enceladus. From National Geographic: “Researchers think superfine snowflakes are blasted out of geyser-like jets, which emanate from long fissures called tiger stripes on the […]