In October 2011, the Colorado Transportation Commission approved $60 million in funding for this project. According to CDOT, the Twin Tunnel project proposes to immediately address safety issues and improve traffic flow at the Twin Tunnels east of Idaho Springs, one of the most critical congestion bottlenecks on the I-70 Mountain Corridor. This project would build a third lane on eastbound I-70, beginning west of the Twin Tunnels and continue east to the base of Floyd Hill, where eastbound I-70 currently becomes three lanes.
This option includes flattening the curve on eastbound I-70, just east of the Twin Tunnels, enhancing safety and allowing for increased speed through this section. The project does not include westbound Twin Tunnel or westbound I-70 improvements. During construction, traffic will be rerouted around the Twin Tunnels and placed on an improved frontage road.
Can you imagine the nightmare of directing eastbound I-70 traffic through a frontage road? This will be interesting…
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) must still approve the project, and is expected to issue a decision by the fall of 2012. If the project receives the federally required approvals, construction would begin in the spring of 2013, and be open to traffic by the end of 2013.
We’ll keep following this and see where it lands…
One reply on “Important: Twin Tunnel project update”
I remember the nightmare that was the construction of the Wolf Creek Tunnel. These things take time and are a huge hassle during construction, but once they are finished they make everyone’s life a little easier. I, for one, would love to have a shorter commute back from the mountains. Thanks for the update.