This Sunday was the end of the regular season for most of the remaining resorts in Colorado. Breckenridge’s last day, except for it’s final two weekends, was yesterday and we were gifted 8-inches of fresh new snow. We haven’t seen this much snow at once in months.
The new snow was great and we found fresh stuff all day. Especially since plenty of “closed” terrain was now actually decently covered and accessible off the main trails. So, we did some exploring and never had a dull moment. Plus, it kept snowing all day.
For some added excitement we decided to head up the T-Bar. It was very windy (of course) and all the snow turned the top of the mountain into a winter wonderland. If you’ve been down the snow fields, you know its very wind blown and icy, but after that crest we hit 8, 10, and 12-inch drifts. I forgot how to ski powder this season so this was hard work, I tell ya.
Overall, a great day compared to the rest of the season. No lines, 8 inches of powder. What could be better?