We here at cosnow feel a particular bond with John Denver (to the point that when I walked down the aisle at our wedding, I asked our musicians to play Annie’s Song rather than Pachelbel’s Canon in D), so I find Icelantic’s new skis to be especially awesome.
So if you, too, feel a particular affinity for the legendary singer/songwriter (or you just enjoy quoting Dumb and Dumber…or you connect to the song Rocky Mountain High on multiple levels…), consider these bad boys when you’re shopping for gear this year.
The skis are $699, shipping in February 2013, and can be purchased at IcelanticSkis.com.
Play us out, John.
3 replies on “Icelantic releases John Denver ski design”
RT @cosnow: Perfect! @Icelantic_Skis releases a John Denver ski design http://t.co/b8vjcvpM
RT @cosnow: Perfect! @Icelantic_Skis releases a John Denver ski design http://t.co/b8vjcvpM
RT @cosnow: Perfect! @Icelantic_Skis releases a John Denver ski design http://t.co/b8vjcvpM